Silicon Salvage
Computers, mobile phones, games consoles, television sets and other hi-tech goods are packed with toxic chemicals, heavy metals and non-degradable plastics. Dumped in landfills this poisonous cocktail can find its way into our bodies. Most consumers are ignorant of the pollution they cause when they throw out their old equipment. Maxitech is a non-profit making company that makes it easy for companies to get rid of large quantities of electronic equipment.
Maxitech collects old computers from any part of the UK. It then wipes their drives and reconditions them for use by charities, care-homes and other organisations that might not be able to afford the latest in information technology. As founder Peter Paduh explains: 'We provide often-neglected communities with access to technology and at the same time benefit the environment.' Where computers really are too ancient to be useful, the company sends their components to specialist recyclers who ensure that nothing is sent to landfills.